
Full Name: Don Diego Rodolfo Velazquez or Carlos Andres de la Garza
Current Home: Celestial Kingdom, Austin, Texas
Date started Fighting: February 1992
Date of Warlord or KSw: Banner Wars, October 2009
Best Skill: Art
Handedness: Right
More info: Diego’s Amtwiki
Anything else: I'm originally from the Golden Plains. I fought in Iron Gate in Lubbock until 1996. I was always a fair fighter. When I joined the Celestial Kingdom in 1997, I thought I could show off how good I was and get on track to getting my sword belt. I was "pretty good" for years. It wasn't until I joined the Chosen and started attending SKBC that I realized what working towards my sword belt meant.

FWACK Comments: Diego is now a veteran SKBC instructor. He attended several times as a student before earning his belt. He is a rigorous trainer who has worked tirelessly to teach himself to fight at the highest level and against the best competition.
